Murtaza Bambot: There was a lot of love Heather in the zoom chat for the emails that you were talking about and how you structure onboarding emails to go alongside this. Would you be able to share a little bit more about how you think about creating those, what information to include? And if you do have examples, it would be great if not totally fine.
Heather Angel: Okay, so this is my my welcome email sequence. I do this in ConvertKit, I built this out in ConvertKit.
So this first one I get, I send out immediately.
I hate videos of myself. So if anybody else is in that same boat, don't worry. These are like two minutes long and people are coming for you and the community aspect. They're not coming to critique your video. So just do the thing. If I did it, you can. So I just put my quick welcome video which they've already seen again over repeating.
I make this a little bit bubbly, I was in a really bubbly mood when I wrote it. I also use some chat GPT. One of the ways that you can do that if you have a website, you can put in chat GPT write a welcome sequence. Email or write a welcome email for my community with the verbiage, or with the tone from, and then your website you would put your website URL, and that way, it brings in tone that you're already using.
So if you've used it in your website, you, it's going to bring in that tone, and it's not writing like it's somebody else and then you have to, obviously you want to adjust it. But. What I did in here, and these are long, I'm not an email expert. So I'm being very vulnerable right here. If you are, then put that in the chat and people can reach out to you because that is not me.
But what I did put in here is what is going to be happening in the community, right? And and I tried to make it just very upbeat and fun. And then this is what I'm repeating from my onboarding. So they've already said hello, as we know with heartbeat you say hello, or you fill out your questions and those go into the community, say hello space.
And so what I want them to do is to go in and talk to people that are in there. So I've purposely, said hey make sure you're going in there and talking, and, go in and explore the different things. Thanks. and then always hit us up. What my signature is, fist bumps and confetti just to keep it fun.
And then I always ask a question at the end. So you want, your CTA not to be dramatic or anything expensive, or you're going to lose them. But I actually get replies to these where somebody will reply and say, Hey, I've got this question, or I've got this. Thing going on. Now I'm going to tell you another secret there.
If you, if somebody asks you a question that's not directly in the community. So they ask you an email, ask them to bring it into the community, so that they can get answers from other people than just you. So this does two things. It lets them know that your, their question is important enough that you know they may have been nervous to ask it.
But it's important enough that you want them to have other people giving opinions. It also gets that interaction going. And eventually, like at first you'll probably be the first one to reply to it so that other people will as well. Eventually, you want that to be reversed you want other people to reply and then you go in behind and an answer.
It's just a. A little tip to get conversation going.
Murtaza Bambot: If I can actually jump in there, I just like really want to highlight what you just said of having people take the questions that they send to you privately and post them in the community as long as it's, appropriate, of course.
That's just one of the smallest, easiest steps. To start migrating and getting people comfortable asking questions in a new space, because everyone's comfortable just replying to an email and asking questions. But as human, some people aren't used to jumping in another, like public online space and sharing their thoughts and sharing their vulnerabilities and like asking a question as being vulnerable.
So this is just like a really smart tactic and a very easy way to start building some of that vulnerability into the conversation of your community and making people feel comfortable there. You'll build some content in there too. Of course, you'll answer their questions there, but you're Gonna be surprised.
Sometimes people will ask a question, you'll answer it, and then you'll have three community members that add even more to your answer that you wouldn't have been able to give yourself. So I just, I really wanna showcase that point. 'cause that is an amazing thing that I don't think enough community builders are doing.
Heather Angel: Absolutely. Thank you. So this is the second email. I send it out two days after the first. And, again, just a big welcome. So excited you're here. And here's some more of what's up for you, in store for you. And again, if you notice. I'm bringing them back again to the onboarding calendar alert.
We want them to, oh yeah, I need to go reply to that event and are sleepy and that kind of thing. I also put in here again, emphasizing that it's not just about you learning from me as the community builder, but we want to learn from you as well. So you're not just a passenger, you're part of the driving force, right?
So I'm reemphasizing that. And then, I end it again, these emails are a little bit long, I probably will go back through and shorten them because I'm a speed reader and I don't read all of this information, so I don't expect everybody else to. But that's just me. Again, if a random idea pops into your head I want to hear about it.
Let us know. So that's my, the, a small CTI at the end and then my second or my third goes out two days after the second one. And this is automated, so that when somebody joins, this is the sequence that happens. And this is all about them. We want to take a moment to celebrate you. So we've told you what we're wanting and what we're doing.
We've also sprinkled in some of the onboarding stuff. We've also sprinkled in some of the re emphasis on it's not a one way street, right? We want it to be, we want to learn from you as well. But then, We're really focusing on them in this third one. And I think that's really critical. And this is the simplest of CTAs.
Just keep shining bright. Have an amazing day. You know what I mean? It's not a do anything for me. It's. It's, we're here for you, again, emphasizing the focus on them. So that's my my crazy email sequence.