🔥 Monthly Hot Seats
One member gets live support from the rest of the community. You can record the session to create lasting content for your community. Includes 6 events, 6 docs for hosting recordings, and full "Hot Seat" event guide.
🌱 Feedback Corner
Create a space for members to request and receive feedback. Comes with a feedback corner channel, and weekly "Feedback Fridays" events for members to attend and get live feedback from others.
🤝 Accountability Circle
Create a space just for your members to focus on their goals. Members can post goals each Monday and a recap of their week each Friday. Includes a bi-weekly event, and optional Zapier templates to automate these posts.
🧠 Monthly Expert Calls
Every month, have an expert run a community event. You can record these sessions to create lasting content. Includes 6 events, 6 docs for hosting recordings, and a full "Monthly Expert" event guide.
📚 Book Club
Read a book together with weekly meetups to discuss. Includes a private channel, member-facing docs to teach others how to lead book club sessions, 6 events, and more!
⭐️ Member-Led Tutorials
Monthly workshops led by your own members. Includes 6 events, 6 docs for hosting recordings, and a member-facing "Tutorial Guide" doc to teach your members how to run tutorials.
👻 Anonymous Q&A
Allow members to post anonymous questions to queue, where you can approve or reject them. Includes easy Airtable & Zapier templates (with a video setup guide) to help you fully automate this experience.
🥳 Fail Fridays
Monthly sessions to celebrate failures as you grow together. Includes 6 events, a member-facing doc to explain Fail Fridays, and our step-by-step "Fail Fridays" event guide.