Members can post anonymous questions (with your approval).
👻 anonymous asks
Extras (Required)
🎒 Airtable Form Template
⚡️ Zapier Templates (x3)
✅ Your space deals with highly-sensitive topics
✅ Members find it tough to ask questions
✅ Members offer useful advice to each other
❌ Members are unqualified to advise others
❌ Members might abuse anonymity
❌ Members openly discuss sensitive topics
Here's a quick video to walk you through all your automation setup 👇👇👇
Use this Airtable template to allow members to submit posts that they want posted anonymously. Within the template, you'll be able to accept or reject submitted posts from members as well. Embed the template's Airtable form into your threads, documents, or even course lessons so members can submit anonymous questions without leaving Heartbeat. Click the button below to learn how to use this template.
Note: We're had some Hearties mention that scripts aren't being copied into the template properly. Use this link to grab the scripts & paste them into Airtable.
Automatically post a thread in Heartbeat when an anonymous submission is approved in Airtable. Use this Zap with the "Heartfelt Experiences" Airtable template. Make sure to login to Zapier before clicking this button — otherwise you'll see an error.
When an anonymous submission is rejected in Airtable email this Zap automatically emails the post submitter with the rejection reason (if an email is provided). Use this Zap with the "Heartfelt Experiences" Airtable template. Make sure to login to Zapier before clicking this button — otherwise you'll see an error.
This Zap checks Airtable every morning for any anonymous posts that are still pending review. If there are pending posts, automatically email the community admin to check Airtable. Use this Zap with the "Heartfelt Experiences" Airtable template. Make sure to login to Zapier before clicking this button — otherwise you'll see an error.
1. Check regularly.
Make sure to check the Airtable form often — ideally every 2 days. Having a recurring calendar event 3x a week is a great way to ensure this doesn’t fall through the cracks. Alternatively, you can use our provided Zapier template to completely this for you with an email reminder every morning if there are submissions still “pending review”!
2. Comment on EVERY post, but not immediately.
Your presence in this channel is going to be extremely important. No one wants to post questions that go unanswered, so your involvement ensures there’s never a feeling of “posting into the void”.
That being said, if you instantly comment on every post, it doesn’t leave space for other members to answer. As the community admin, your responses carry so much weight that it might be discouraging for other members to comment once they see your response.
**Bonus: “**Type & tag” as much as possible here. @mention other members of your community that could help answer the question, or might have experience in the problem area. Use your power as a community admin to pull others into the conversation.
3. Get comfortable with automation tools.
Since there’s so much automation here, take time to get comfortable with the tools (Zapier & Airtable) & any bug fixing you might need to do there. Our support team at Heartbeat can help a bit, but Zapier support is really great & fast to respond! We highly recommend checking with them if you have any issues setting up Zaps.
"Heartbeat is the app you'll have open 24/7 because it's so central to how your community functions."
Director of Startups,
Future Founders
"Heartbeat stands head and shoulders above anything else we've used for our fellowship community."
Director of Programs, Arch Grants